ILS Listserv

ILS Listserv


The Indian Law Section Executive Committee has decided to take advantage of the list serve opportunities offered to the Section by the Oregon State Bar. This decision was made with the goal of increasing interaction among Section members and to provide a forum for Section members to ask questions of or share information with other Section members.

A list serve is essentially an electronic bulk e-mail to all section members. The list serve offers members the capability of communicating instantly with a large group and having a way to contribute to discussions. If you post to the list serve you are in effect sending that posting to everyone. The e-mails you receive from the list serve will also be received by all members.

Participation is open to all section members who have e-mail addresses registered with the bar. Members are automatically signed up on the list serve, however your participation is not mandatory. If you want to remove yourself, simply unsubscribe.

For more information about how to use the list, please refer to the OSB List serve FAQs and Guidelines.